Jan 24, 17 / Aqu 24, 01 21:54 UTC

Dual Citizenship  

Hello, When I discovered Asgardia any months ago I was realy enthousiastic and I decided to be in. Nevertheless when I see it's going always more fast I have to ask somethings before confirming my asgardian citizenship. Are we sure by becoming asgardian to keep our actual citizenship? I read some articles and because Asgardia is new, constitution is very poor so wich protections are planned? Personnaly I am french, what will happen if my country recognize Asgardia as an independant state? Is there any risks for me to become asgardian ?

Thank you

Jan 24, 17 / Aqu 24, 01 22:46 UTC

Comment deleted

  Updated  on Jun 15, 17 / Can 26, 01 16:39 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: "This user no longer wishes to be associated with a tin pot banana republic"

Jan 24, 17 / Aqu 24, 01 23:27 UTC

Well, if you are French and LePen wins the elections, than yes she's going to take out as many french nationality as possible..;)

Jan 25, 17 / Aqu 25, 01 06:42 UTC

Hi Melasse!

Please see the FAQ's on the Asgardia.Space website http://asgardia.space/faq specifically point number 5 under "Online Registration and Citizenship"

My country does not allow dual citizenships, and I registered on your site. What happens now?

Asgardia will allow dual citizenship. It will be up to the citizen's home country to allow dual citizenship, or not, with Asgardia. Once recognised as a Nation, Asgardia plans on allowing dual Citizenship/Nationality via a program similar to a "Green card"/"Permanent resident card". However, it will be at the discretion of your nation of residence as to whether or not they will allow you to become a citizen of Asgardia.

Jul 1, 17 / Leo 14, 01 11:16 UTC

Asgardia will allow dual citizenship. It will be up to the citizen's home country to allow dual citizenship, or not, with Asgardia. Once recognised as a Nation, Asgardia plans on allowing dual Citizenship/Nationality via a program similar to a "Green card"/"Permanent resident card".  However, it will be at the discretion of your nation of residence as to whether or not they will allow you to become a citizen of Asgardia. 

Taken from the Asgardia.space FAQ.

Nov 18, 17 / Sag 14, 01 22:52 UTC

I am french so I am concerned by dual nationality isssue , so the french law say : 

if my country recognize Asgardia as an independant state , the french law say :

Il est possible en France d'avoir plusieurs nationalités  (double-nationalité par exemple). Cette situation résulte du fait que  chaque État fixe de manière souveraine les conditions d'octroi de sa  nationalité. Il est possible d'avoir plusieurs nationalités dès sa  naissance ou plus tard

It is possible in France to have several nationalities (double nationality for example). This situation results from the fact that each State sets the conditions for granting its nationality in a sovereign manner. It is possible to have several nationalities from birth or later.

En effet, la loi française n'exige pas qu'un étranger devenu français  renonce à sa nationalité d'origine ou qu'un Français ayant acquis une  autre nationalité renonce à la nationalité française.

French law does not require that a foreigner who has become French renounce his original nationality or that a French citizen who has acquired another nationality waives French nationality.

source (in french) :  https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F334

  Last edited by:  thomas courbin (Asgardian)  on Nov 19, 17 / Sag 15, 01 00:31 UTC, Total number of edits: 2 times

Jan 26, 19 / Aqu 26, 03 12:56 UTC

I intend to retain my present Canadian citizenship above and beyond any other perceived citizenship which my involvement with Asgardia may represent. Canada is already extremely actively involved in earth orbiting space exploration. I was born in the city of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada and I am proud of my heritage.