Jan 22, 17 / Aqu 22, 01 23:40 UTC
Political Structure ¶
Hello, I am excited to be part of this community.
I have been looking around for something I consider the basis of everything we are trying to acheive. Our basic structure. I've seen various opinions, and a few that assume we are going to go for a democracy. Of course, since this is the first thing I started to think of when going through the forums and considering the whole project, I have been considering options.
The problem I see with a straight democracy is twofold. First it creates complications in the manner of political competitiveness. We see manipulations of media, money, and other things all in the name of politics. I'd rather not see any of that in our ideal society. Secondly it is more open to curruption.
Since we naturally divide ourselves into industries, wouldn't a modified democracy potentially work. In this case each industry apoints or elects their own leaders, which are then confirmed by the others. It breaks down the voting process to a smaller portion of population who will be able to be sure their needs and requirements are represented. Also, instead of having people 'run for office', have the current leaders pick a few people they feel will be good replacements. Then the people in that industry can then choose between them. Thus political service and leadership is earned through working in that feild, and not run and possibly run dirty.