Feb 27, 17 / Ari 02, 01 21:49 UTC
Electoral process ¶
As many of you may know, the base of a democracy is the elections. The place where we as citizens are required by moral duty to cast our vote on whoever we think they fit in the position of being our temporary leader.
As the most serious business in democracy, it is outrageous that literally everyone over 18 can cast their vote. Come on, you see it every election year. People hating on candidates because of their political parties, people loving on candidates because they look handsome, people fighting over which politician promised better things and etc.
In summary, not all citizens are prepared to take on the duty to vote. So? Let's include an article in the Constitution, that says that for citizens being able to vote they have to pass a standardized test provided by the state in the subjects of politics and its history. It'd take maybe months, but it is necessary.
Imagine that people are given driving licenses just because they're over 18. Come on! Our streets would be filled with dead bodies. As we take security on the roads seriously, we have to take elections much more seriously. The corner stone of a democracy should be handled by the ones that understand it only.
Also, there should be laws that seriously restrict political parties to a minimum -we can't bring Earth's serious problems in there.