Feb 9, 17 / Pis 12, 01 20:39 UTC

Re: I"m a spiritspeaker, i need your help.  

I have question for you, how feel free to respond, i want to know.... If the spirits can comunicate with a human being, can spirits comunicate with the Alien, ET, or whatever being in other planet in the universe? Like, their spirts, from their planets, revealing things to them... i wnat to do a prophecy for the future: If someone find in the universe, a being talking with spirits in another planet, believe me, its the spirit of their nature... that's, the man you want to contact, cause he is the soul of the planet. Thanks for hear and see.

But answer the question... do you believe that alien spiritspeakers can talk with their gods? Their spirits of their nature?

Feb 9, 17 / Pis 12, 01 22:11 UTC

you are a biological being in develpment but when the baby come from the mother to the life the first thing he see is not the medics doctors its the light a light shining in his head the spark of life when you born and connects the spark inside you with the light outside life comes to the babie as you grow up things of you past lifes and things of you new life integrate each other we carry some info on birth but if we born waked we get out of the mother and start to saying "DOCTORS THAT BORN ME I 'M THE MESSIAH" ahd the doctors should have a fulminant heartattack of sacre how? How a baby can born talking you know this proccess to grow to get mature to get old to die we all have that an i want to bring you that message

Feb 9, 17 / Pis 12, 01 22:25 UTC

He's not the messiah....

Feb 9, 17 / Pis 12, 01 22:37 UTC

Who is the messiah? I must find him too... if you see the messiah around there, show me, i have questions for him...

Clive my friend, i'm just a prophet, an man capable to comunicate with spirits, by the work of Jesus summoning me in this planet.

How? Well, i'm a spiritspeaker. Me, Alexandre, is capable biological and spiritualy to comunicate with these spirits

I"m in search for the messiah, cause i saw signs... and i want to share these signs with you...

My quest if found the master, the messiah, the messenger of god cause i want to be his disciple... but, who is the messiah?

Is the messiah on earth? Cause i saw, a sign, running thru the horizon to African Continent

I believe.

Can i talk to you my friend clive?

Feb 9, 17 / Pis 12, 01 23:16 UTC

When Rá, Sun God of Egyptians, said to the people, thru Hórus, the Son of the Sun God, the people of egypt started to believe that this Rá, is not a myth, cause a priest from egypt, was saying thru his voice and writings, something that comes from the stars, and the egyptians started to believe in the stars, and as stardusts, Hórus, the Son of the Sun God, Rá, started to preach all the knowledge they need to preserve their culture, their people, their piece of land in this planet.

So happened with Jesus, with Mitra, with Arjuna when he was receiving messages from Krishna.

So, every Chosen, from their Gods, whatever you name it as Rá, Allah, YHWH, Shiva or even if you create another word like FSM - Flying Spagetthi Monster, or believe in the Force of Jedis and Siths. All comes from religion, and religion is the revelation of this priests that spoken thru their Gods!

Feb 10, 17 / Pis 13, 01 00:47 UTC

Asking for the spirit, from where house i came from, they said i'm a european prophet...

All the blood of my family comes from Europe, so i need help if i can find some member from Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Holland, Poland

And there's some jewish and arabian blood in thoses lines...

So, help me, there's any kind of prophecy in europe, about a european prophet coming on Earth?

Just want that answer, to confirm what the spirit said.

  Last edited by:  Alexandre-Yahoo Domingo de Albuquerque (Asgardian, Translator)  on Feb 10, 17 / Pis 13, 01 00:48 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Feb 10, 17 / Pis 13, 01 09:34 UTC

well if you discard the possibility to me, be a prophet, a trully one, not that makes prophecies of who dies, or who lives, but to teach knowledge of old days of Earth

I will let my words in time and space, in every corner of internet, even with others nicknames, to someone in the future, take this words and make it happen...

As you said: "No prophet in reconigzed in his homeland" sayin like: "KILL THE PROPHET"... well, i'm ready, kill me... just come and kill me... the sin will not be mine after all. And my spirit will be freed.

well i'm not here to recongnition, i have recognitiion... and i dont need you to believe, someone, in somewhere in time, will read my words...

"none propheta speak about your time"

  Last edited by:  Alexandre-Yahoo Domingo de Albuquerque (Asgardian, Translator)  on Feb 10, 17 / Pis 13, 01 09:35 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Feb 10, 17 / Pis 13, 01 09:50 UTC

If you wants to kill someone, just because they are teaching the new ones like how the old ones did to wake up the spirit..

Go ahead my friend, its just show to us, how killer you can be, how far from peace you are.

If you kill me, you get the rights... but rights about what? Kill a prophet?

So, if you are Jesus, and wants to kill every "false-prophet" in the world because only you, "jesus" can be the prophet. so come ahead you fake Jesus.

I'm here to help the word of trully Jesus of 2000 years ago... not those anti-christ who believe they are Jesus and ask money for pray, for spiritual cure, for GOD!

Becare, if you sell God as a product, God can sell you to the Devil as an false-prophet from Earth who want desire to selll TRIBUTES to GOD.

GOD doesnt wants your money, but... i'm not here to change the world, only saying the truth

"The next man or woman who try to be prophet without know the past of Anubis and Hórus on Earth, and doesnt know nothing about religions, will be the Anti-Christ"

And the Anti-Christ is someone who knows the Christ words, and use it against the people, and not to enlight the people...

Remember Remember this day my little ones.

Feb 10, 17 / Pis 13, 01 10:17 UTC

And now-a-days you are in another country, so if you want to kill me, you will need to take a plane to Brazil and kill me...

If you are a killer...

But you can pay for someone to kill me, like Priesthood of Bible did with Jesus in those times... for coins of silver.

Judas sell his soul to help to kill his master, cause the prophecies of old testament says: "HE WILL BE CRUCIFIED AND KILLED"

I'm ready my friends, to be killed again, and again, and again... and i will return, from another person, another family, another place in this Earth

To say the same things.

Becare saints, you are full of sins... i can see in your desires, the desire to kill me... I DONT WANT TO BE KILLED, but i cant fight against you...

So, just leave me alone, i will not curse you, i will not curse anyone... but, let prophecy:


No one will ever be reborn in this Earth, as the name of Hórus, and understand what Hórus did in his time, if it's not Hórus itself.



Jesus made a curse, for this throne. Just read the prophecy.

Neither Jesus wanted a kingdom on Earth. Why you want? To be a king? To be a ruler? To be an emperor?

Well, go ahead and see if the people of this planet, will accept that.

Feb 10, 17 / Pis 13, 01 10:32 UTC

"Do not believe in false-prophets who use the words of other prophets from the past, without knowing all religions have prophets, just to be a king, a ruler, a emperor, and not be a wiseman, a teacher, a preacher... this man is the most lier in this world" "Do not let any man rule them all" Do never let any man be the king of the world Even Jesus Cause, no man can rule us all He can rule his self But, rule all the world? It's a drream, it's a desire to control what you need, what you want, what you believe in happenned once will happen after Do not let any man try to conquer this world by his hand or we will fall

Feb 10, 17 / Pis 13, 01 10:40 UTC

Hey yahoo,

If you're looking for spiritual answers, this might not be the right place. Most of the goals of this place are worldly or don't require spirituality. I'm willing to try to answer some stuff if you need it, but understand it's difficult when you're posting a dozen times in a row. And if you really are schizophrenic, I don't know how much use you'd find my answers.

Feb 10, 17 / Pis 13, 01 10:49 UTC


Answer for what question? Ok, i will not post in this thread my friend

Just ask me... but you didnt make any question that i didnt answered...

You ask if i'm spamming... well, i'm posting in only one topic, my words...

See other's who opens a post for every thought they have... If i was opening everytime, a new thread for every word i have to say... you could complain...

So, move this topic to theology

There, i can post without anyone saying that i'm posting off-topic.

  Last edited by:  Alexandre-Yahoo Domingo de Albuquerque (Asgardian, Translator)  on Feb 10, 17 / Pis 13, 01 10:49 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Feb 10, 17 / Pis 13, 01 10:54 UTC

And i'm willing to give you some new answers from spirituality

I'm not search for the answers here... i have these answers...

but i want your help, move this topic to theology

There, no one could complain about telling spiritual things, because its the subject of the part of the forum

Mods, can you do this favor to me? Move to theology

Feb 10, 17 / Pis 13, 01 10:55 UTC

And i'm willing to give you some new answers from spirituality

I'm not search for the answers here... i have these answers...

but i want your help, move this topic to theology

There, no one could complain about telling spiritual things, because its the subject of the part of the forum

Mods, can you do this favor to me? Move to theology

Feb 10, 17 / Pis 13, 01 11:06 UTC

And @snik

I'm waiting for your answers my friend, thats why i said in the title of the topic

"i'm spiritspeaker, I NEED YOUR HELP"

So, lets help each other.