Nov 21, 17 / Sag 17, 01 05:37 UTC


Hi fellow Asgardians! I signed up yesterday and am very excited about this whole idea of the first Space Nation :) I live in Cape Town, South Africa and am keen to get involved here and help wherever I can. It is good to be here.


Nov 21, 17 / Sag 17, 01 14:42 UTC

"very excited about this whole idea of the first Space Nation"

Yeah, sure, you're excited now, but you'll soon discover that "Asgardia" is neither a "Nation", nor is it "in Space".

However, I've found through conversation that if you stay long enough and invest enough emotion here that you can apparently start believing otherwise.

Nov 21, 17 / Sag 17, 01 23:50 UTC

I'm not even sure where to start on here. The last forum I joined and then dejoined (that's easily a real word) was at Bob Dylan . Com....... ey up!

  Last edited by:  David Knowles (Asgardian)  on Nov 21, 17 / Sag 17, 01 23:51 UTC, Total number of edits: 2 times