Hello everyone. :)

I'm a young man from France (26) who currently works as a web developer (and passionate about it). I live in Paris as of now.

I must say I'm really excited about Asgardia and I want to help build and grow our community. I currently have applied as web dev and EN/FR translator.

I'm atheist, but I do respect others opinion on that matter. I strongly believe religion is the biggest worldwide lie ever and is the easy answer of all the things we don't believe yet, but I'm open-minded enough to allow myself a doubt about it! :)

Anyway, as I like to say, religious people are the luckiest! If they're right they'll probably go to their heaven (or alike) and if they're wrong, they'll never know about it! :p

I'm also a big fan of the:

I don't care if you're black, white, straight, bisexual, gay, lesbian, short, tall, fat, skinny, rich or poor. If you're nice to me, i'll be nice to you. Simple as that! (Eminem)

Right now, I wish I could help about making this forum better. Just sayin'!
