Jan 14, 17 / Aqu 14, 01 15:41 UTC
Contest Submission Closing Date Announced! ¶
Dear Asgardians,
Soon, on January the 20th, submissions for all the currently on-going contests will be closing. New flags are being published every day, however after January 20th it will take us a few days to finalise sorting all the submissions and then all remaining will be published on asgardia.space.
The closing of contest voting will be announced on a later date.
Please visit the contest pages and vote by logging into your asgardia.space account.
We have received several questions regarding the processing. Here is how it's done.
There are following categories:
Active - those which are published for review
Declined - those where art work is either not relevant for the subject or is clearly somebody else's copy-right (for example any Star Wars, Star Trek, Superman, etc symbols, flags of the other countires.
Deleted - any photographs (of people, or objects, or nature, or selfies), cartoons, postcards, or any other irrelevant of inappropriate visuals, files in unreadable formats.
If you are still considering participation, please hurry up - there is less then one week left!
Lena De Winne