Mar 27, 17 / Tau 02, 01 17:05 UTC

Decree N4 by The Asgardia Head of Nation  

Good day Asgardians!

We have just posted Decree #4 by Head of State Dr. Ashurbeyli announcing that the Declaration of Unity is available for review by the community!

You can find the Declaration of Unity HERE

You can provide your feedback and thoughts on this document either on the Official Facebook page or in a thread that has been created for it on the forum HERE

Kind regards,
Rebekah Berg, Lead Community Administrator, Asgardia

  Last edited by:  Rebekah Berg (Asgardian, Lead Admin)  on Mar 27, 17 / Tau 02, 01 17:08 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Mar 28, 17 / Tau 03, 01 06:34 UTC


Mar 28, 17 / Tau 03, 01 07:24 UTC

Because clearly attention to detail is something worth borthering with.

Mar 28, 17 / Tau 03, 01 08:07 UTC

No, it's a typo not a translational error.

One that should of been picked up by spellcheck, and certianly picked up by the proofreader before publish.

Mar 28, 17 / Tau 03, 01 09:25 UTC

I like the content of the Declaration of Unity. In my opinion it is continuing the path that was started and mentioned on the concept page when we first joined as members. My question is terminology related and is most likely due to translation. In the last sentence of the Declaration, there is a reference to Asgardia as a state. Is Asgardia to be a state or a nation?

Mar 28, 17 / Tau 03, 01 10:09 UTC

Why can't it be both? or, more accurately, why can one not have the other.

The general tone of the document doesn't displease me, but some wording can be seen as potentially problematic. Much of this has been picked up by others. Much of it might be translational related.

Mar 28, 17 / Tau 03, 01 10:34 UTC

From my understanding of the goals of Asgardia and the discussion around it, it would seem that a nation state is the logical entity at the end of the process -assuming that the draft constitution does not propose to change the course of things significantly.

Mar 28, 17 / Tau 03, 01 11:02 UTC

But it is not entirely clear: "9. Asgardia does not engage in politics, there is no place for political parties in Asgardia".

Ie will not actually into-Asgardian parties or some other groups? Who then will discuss the problematic issues and the development model? Ministrys? The initiative groups without the formal registration? It seems that the issue is not thought out.

And with clause 12, I would not agree. "12. There is no place for Earth history in Asgardia. Asgardia creates a new history of the future of the humankind".

Everyone has their own views, but I'm still an evolutionist, and the history of Asgardia, in theory, is just a continuation of history of the Earth, starting with the pre-biotic period (or inflection of Panov&Snooks curve). And generally, before to publish official documents, ought to make for a broad discussion of the projects, at least on the forum (and not after the fact).

Yes, "based on the birthright of Man in the universe" - too strong statement (by default, I all the same on the reverse - not the first and only). I would write at least "in the Solar system" (although also not completely fact - bodies with ice to the oceans can still be surprising, but in first approximation it seems to be true).

  Last edited by:  Dmitry Novoseltsev (Asgardian)  on Mar 28, 17 / Tau 03, 01 11:03 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Mar 28, 17 / Tau 03, 01 17:19 UTC

It is all good but the history of earth cannot be eliminated from our history it should be a warning to us not to repeat such mistakes but to be better than the past. Why no political parties, how would that serve us will and what good would it come from it.

Mar 29, 17 / Tau 04, 01 04:39 UTC


此令大意是 征集广大奥国民众对于 奥斯凯汀(Asgardia)宣言的意见。


1.奥国(Asgardia)是一个自由的太空联邦国家。 2.奥国的宗旨是: 保护太空和平; 保护地球以及人类免受来自太空深空的威胁; 保护居住在地球上的所有奥国公民在太空的平等权益,包括地域、经济、科技及其他权益等; 3.在接受并遵守此宣言以及奥国现在的以及未来的法规的基础上,所有地球公民都有权利成为奥国的一员。 4.所有奥国公民都是平等的关系,无论他/她身处地球上哪个地域或国家。 5.奥国尊重地球上的各个国家及并承认其法律法规,同时也期望与地球各国享有同样的平等权益。 6.奥国不干涉、不参与地球上国家内的纷争及利益纠葛。 7.奥国只参与国际级事务。 8.奥国遵守地球上国家的法令,也保护其同时作为奥国公民的额外权益。 9.奥国不组织或参与政治集团,同时奥国内不得存在政治集团,但奥国公民可自愿参与地球上的政治事务。 10.奥国作为地球在太空延展,奥国公民在遵守地球各国法令法规并取得允许的前提下,可按自己意愿居住在地球上的国家。 11.奥国是一个自由,科技,国际化的国家,奥国公民可选择自由信奉地球上的各个宗教。 12.奥国的发展不局限于以地球历史为参考,奥国将开辟人类的新纪元。

  Last edited by:  Jason Rainbow (Global Mod, Asgardian, Global Admin)  on Mar 29, 17 / Tau 04, 01 06:13 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: Removal of content, currently under review

Mar 29, 17 / Tau 04, 01 14:13 UTC

Непременно необходимо добавить это-Асгардия соблюдает принцип ненападения в отношении земных государств, но не исключает применения насилия при самообороне. Принцип «ненападения» является моральной позицией Асгардии. It is absolutely necessary to add this-Asgardia observes the principle of non-aggression in relation to terrestrial states, but does not exclude the use of violence in self-defense. The principle of "non-aggression" is the moral position of Asgardia.

Mar 30, 17 / Tau 05, 01 09:24 UTC

I see that many of the community's Constitutional suggestions have been Integrated into the Declaration. The Declaration is based on the will of the people, which is a pretty cool move.


Apr 11, 17 / Tau 17, 01 08:06 UTC

Needs to be issued again as the dates Asgardian/Gregorian don't match which legally makes this document worthless. Do the same with decree 5 please.