Apr 24, 17 / Gem 02, 01 19:07 UTC

Re: The Asgardia News Network (ANN) nears completion  


Please feel free to share Articles from the ANN on your own mediums, blogs, newspapers, ezines and social media. Contributions to the ANN are welcome.

Apr 27, 17 / Gem 05, 01 12:19 UTC

I've read through the guidelines, and I have just one question. 

Most articles are written at the third person. "John Doe has discovered that... Etc". So even if I am the author of my discovery, and want to make an article submission, is it okay if I write it in the third person? Such as, "John SkieSwanne has uncovered evidences that dark matter... Etc", even though I'm John Skieswanne?

Apr 27, 17 / Gem 05, 01 15:29 UTC

I suppose. I generally talk about myself in third person to my children, so I don't see the harm in it. :)

Apr 27, 17 / Gem 05, 01 17:50 UTC

It only makes it less confusing to read. ;)

What would be great, in the future, would be some sort of article template, so to clarify what format the submissions should have. 

Anyway, thanks for your time, I'll be making my submissions now. 


May 26, 17 / Can 06, 01 12:00 UTC


How do we work for the network? I can help with audio, video, post production or other.
Can we work from internet ?

Best Regards,

May 30, 17 / Can 10, 01 10:08 UTC

I would like to volunteer as an editor, if one is needed.

Jun 25, 17 / Leo 08, 01 11:11 UTC

@skieswanne once the network is up and running, I am sure that you would be able to post your findings. Ryan is currently unavailable as he is moving but once he gets back, I am sure he will have a way for you to submit news to ANN. In the interim, I am working on doing newscasts for Voices of Asgardia. If you would like to do an interview with me and have it broadcast on VOA, please contact me and we can make arrangements. 


Lukas Jones

Jul 31, 17 / Vir 16, 01 14:23 UTC

 Dear Ryan and other Asgardians.

I am inviting you, to read my blog. Pleased to meet you!




Hope to read many excellent articles and contribute in future.

I live in Oman.

Kind Regards

Sharmaine Pretorius

Aug 24, 17 / Lib 12, 01 10:35 UTC

@ Ryan  Zohar,

You have been doing a great  job. But when I see   you named it as  VOA which  stand for Voice of Asgardia  , I  rather turn to be less enthusiastic over this name. Wouldn't people be  confused with already famous  Voice  Of   America ?

  Last edited by:  Prajogi Iskandar (Asgardian)  on Aug 24, 17 / Lib 12, 01 10:36 UTC, Total number of edits: 2 times