Mar 4, 17 / Ari 07, 01 01:55 UTC



Here is a list of Civic Asgardia initiatives currently in the works and planned. Some are Civic Asgardia ideas, some have been passed along from Official, and some were proposed by staff members and community members. If you would like to take part in an initiative please comment below.

Announcement Round 2017A document

Project Proposal Guide

Information Scavenger Hunt

Information building exercise for the community in gathering information about what is coming next using only official information from the main Asgardia Facebook page, the website and FAQ, and Official posts.

Trial run completed, under review for polishing. Will relaunch mid March.

Staff Leads: Zahira Ledoux Yahyaoui​, Monir Zaman​

Asgardia Timeline

Proposal for a visual timeline to be added to the Asgardia website. A graphic either a java script one or a gif or static jpg, showing the significant events. There would be hyperlinks built into each timeline point to either a pop out page or to another page or just a mouseover effect explaining the event and what happened in it.

Currently submitted and under deliberation.

Staff Lead: Rebekah Berg

Special Committee: Asgardia Mobile Application

Volunteer staff create a basic outline for a mobile application to be expanded with suggestions from our members. Form a committee to draft a formal proposal from the best ideas. Interested community members joining the committee to email with a copy of their resume and cover letter.

Announced for community suggestions for features Feb 1, 2017 Forum thread link:

Announced for committee applications Mar 3, 2017 Forum thread link:

Staff Leads: Dominic Sturt​, Rebekah Berg

Chapter Guide

Guide for chapter advocates and their staff of what is expected of them and their communities.

Short guide created and sent to Chapter Advocates. Longer guide still under construction. Will be reviewing with Chapter Advocates in March 2017 meeting.

Staff Leads: Nikari Steve Miller, Alan Player, Rebekah Berg

Standing Committee: Community Engagement Think Tank

Presents the idea of bi-weekly chats with senior Civic.Asgardia staff to review highlights of activities and to hear community feedback. Next meeting Saturday Mar 4, 2017 @ 9pm EST and be held on Discord (server link to be added).

Staff Leads: Rebekah Berg, Dominic Sturt

Standing Committee: Forum and Social Media Improvement

Committee to compile, review and recommend improvement ideas to the forums and other social media outlets currently in use by Asgardia and track and communicate bugs reported by users to the Lead Community Administrator

Staff Leads: Jason Rainbow​, Jordan River​

Standing Committee Technology for Everyone

Volunteer staff create a basic outline for a program that promotes access to technology, equipment, and training for Asgardia members. Expand the outline with suggestions from our members. Form a committee to draft a formal proposal from the best ideas.

Put on back burner due to overwhelming suggestion for online learning initiative.

Staff Leads: Dominic Sturt, Lloyd Cox​

Special Committee: Community Member Constitution Input Collation Committee

Allow members to review the process as trained volunteers collate community suggestions for the Asgardian Constitution. Launched for community member volunteers to compile document of community constitution suggestions on Feb 25, 2017.

Forum Link:

Volunteers gathered and working thread created on February 27, 2017

Forum Link:

Staff Leads: Rebekah Berg

Online Learning Committee

Volunteer staff create a basic outline to explore methods for Asgardians to present and participate in online learning communities.Expand the outline with suggestions from our members. Form a committee to draft a formal proposal from the best ideas.

Staff Leads: Nikari Steve Miller with David Gil

Community Creative Contest

Under discussion and development.

Staff Leads: Nikari Miller, Rebekah Berg, Ryan Zohar

  Last edited by:  Rebekah Berg (Asgardian, Lead Admin)  on Mar 7, 17 / Ari 10, 01 18:25 UTC, Total number of edits: 5 times
Reason: Updated for link to mobile application committee member post + Correct back to established project name + removed initiative that may not be released in next run

Mar 4, 17 / Ari 07, 01 02:41 UTC


MOD: Corrected, Thank you!

  Last edited by:  Jason Rainbow (Global Mod, Asgardian, Global Admin)  on Mar 4, 17 / Ari 07, 01 03:31 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Mar 4, 17 / Ari 07, 01 10:15 UTC

Ahh, this explains why I'd have problems gaining details on the initiative what wasn't some consortium of shady marketing enterprises.

This part of Princton's "Global Consciousness Project"? or some other initative?

Mar 4, 17 / Ari 07, 01 15:12 UTC


The initiative name was correct when it was posted. It is not NOOsphere but NEOsphere.

Thanks though!

Kind regards,
Rebekah Berg, Lead Community Administrator, Asgardia

Mar 5, 17 / Ari 08, 01 16:04 UTC

It says the Announcement 2017A Round document was trashed by owner.

Edit: Nevermind, it is only giving me this message when I try to view it on a mobile.

  Last edited by:  Paul Miller (Asgardian)  on Mar 6, 17 / Ari 09, 01 02:30 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Mar 6, 17 / Ari 09, 01 16:18 UTC

Okay then, my original question still stands.


Mar 6, 17 / Ari 09, 01 17:06 UTC



Mar 6, 17 / Ari 09, 01 17:52 UTC

Although rendering it slightly less cryptic, it still doesn't divulge it's purpose, intent, or how this is intended to be achieved.

Mar 6, 17 / Ari 09, 01 18:13 UTC

NEOsphere Initiative Large initiative currently under base construction to be present in April 2017B round for community review and input. Further details will be released as the initiative becomes for realized.

More info will be posted. There's lots going on, and I can only imagine what this will entail as a project. Can't wait to find out more when it gets released.

Mar 6, 17 / Ari 09, 01 18:15 UTC

I can only speak as an Asgardian, but any sort of documentation about specifics of what is being talked about would be nice.

I mean, I can read the above, but that is more of an executive summary than specifics. As a details-oriented person, I would like to know more, but find myself stymied on several fronts to try to collect information, let alone disseminate any.

Mar 6, 17 / Ari 09, 01 18:54 UTC

Pasting the previously posted information would only be of use if for some reason I had failed to notice it's existence - and as my question specifically relates to it's existence we can safely conclude this is not the case. Thankyou for wasitng my time and yours.

Some sort of specifics would be nice - especially if you would be expecting us to stand behind these initatives then we would need to be incredibly comfortable with what they are trying to do, and how they intend to go about it. At least knowing what it is would be a good start.

Mar 6, 17 / Ari 09, 01 20:28 UTC


Let me explain to you the situation as I see it, so you can understand where we (non-staff Asgardians) are coming from.

Asgardians: We want to know more.
Staff: We have shared everything we can share, because it is all that's been decided upon.
Asgardians: Who decided on it?
Staff: We did.
Asgardians: Who is we? Who are the decision makers? What are their qualifications?
Staff: Uhm.... Anybody want to field this? looks at other staff
Asgardians: We want to know more.
... repeat.

Right now, you are asking for Asgardians to have faith that their leaders are doing things right, and for the right reasons. The unfortunate truth is that no one here knows you (Jason) from Rebekah (except that that sounds like a girl's name) from Igor, from anyone else. We can look up Igor's qualifications, but the rest of you are ghosts in the machine, which leads to uncertainty, anxiety, and unrest.

So, it isn't a matter of impatience or rancor (at least, not for most of us), it is anxiety of the unknown.

Hence my desire for staff interviews, and a severe need for better communications (not articles, actual communications), which is also something I am trying to facilitate. I may not always be the best communicator of feelings (per my wife), but when it comes to everything else, I am usually dead-on. I am asking to help you members of staff communicate to Asgardians effectively, and truthfully, so things do not implode here. This is too good of a project to implode due to poor communications.

Do you guys post minutes of your meetings anywhere? So we can see what's going on? Anything? Throw us a bone here, man!

Mar 6, 17 / Ari 09, 01 23:45 UTC

Good point...

Lets get back to the topic of the post, what is the "NEOsphere initative"?

Because the only thing I can see appears to be a consortium of "marketeering companies" collating various data and training "AI" to be acting on wide and varied datasets to produce specific results.

Mar 7, 17 / Ari 10, 01 18:24 UTC

Hi EyeR!

As stated before, more details will be released about NEOsphere after the initiative foundation has been finalized. There is no sense in releasing something that is half finished. As it is, we are uncertain whether or not we will be able to make the April date for the 2017B initiative run.

I will remove it from the list and if it becomes more realized then it will be added again.

Kind regards, Rebekah Berg, Lead Community Administrator, Asgardia

Mar 8, 17 / Ari 11, 01 00:25 UTC

I'm not suggesting you release it.

Just some basic details on what it actually is. What it's supposed to be doing, and how it's supposed to be going about doing it. Without doing that, you might as well of not bothered to highlight it's existance for what use it is. It would save people like me digging into the "wrong" thing(and what I've been digging into looks really wrong).

Being unfinished is more of a reason to be public about such, it's possible someone might have something useful towards it.