As much as I would like to have a pollution free society, and have it yesterday if possible, our technology hasn't yet reached a point where this is feasible. We've progressed quite a lot toward this goal, yes, but there are still many issues we'll need to solve before we can obtain a society with no waste or pollution made.
Rather than outright outlawing pollution of any sort, given that our current level of technology often involves some amount of waste product, we should instead take a more proactive approach. We should encourage our fellow Asgardians to invest in solar panels (if they can, of course), to fund research into more effective recycling measures, as well as research into green energy, and to recycle the waste products that they already can. As for official policies of the Asgardian government, a more reasonable and realistic approach would be to make 0 pollution the end goal. We're not quite there yet, but when it comes to building infrastructure, we should always favor green energy over oil and coal, and favor recycling plants over landfills where ever possible.
tl;dr: Mostly agree with you, but I feel like we must acknowledge that a society that generates 0 pollution is not yet possible, and should make obtaining that goal a priority.