Jun 16, 17 / Can 27, 01 17:01 UTC
I do NOT accept the Constitution ¶
I do not agree with many of the laws and terms set forth in the constitution.
Firstly, why should Asgardia be called a Kingdom? Are they anticipating a legal motion to institute a King? I do not agree to being ruled by a monarch of any kind.
Secondly, I am very concerned about the long term repercussions of Asgardia's Absolute Supreme Value. Infinite expansion, while noble in theory, may not be the best policy when resources are quite obviously finite in our finite reach. We are already seeing the consequences of believing you can push your end line infinitely. I would agree with a constitution that acknowledges that humanity is limited and should strive for sustainability for as long as possible.
Thirdly, I do not agree with the separation and constitution of powers as they are. I believe we should design a different separation of powers, something unprecedented and as far from the American model as possible. While a Government by the People sounds like a noble idea, Socrates already had some thoughts against it, mainly: not everyone is fit to govern, vote or participate in public life. I would rather have a Government for the People, in which the government strives to take the best care of citizenry by appointing the most qualified people for every office in question. Maybe if we had a Managerial Power and an Auditory Power? The first would govern and build while the second would survey and judge. They would be occupied based on technocratic and meritocratic nominations and deposed based on referenda. Just a thought.
Fourthly, I do not agree with the implementation of a set number of official languages, nor do I agree to strive for the construction and implementation of a single Asgardian language. I know acknowledging all languages as culturally relevant can be a strain on resources as a greater number of translators would be needed to cope with the diversity influx. I still believe it is important to protect cultural diversity over administrative pragmatism.
Fifthly, I am very worried about the implementation of currency and taxation, specially early on as the implementation and acceptance of this constitution would automatically mean all of us would have to pay taxes to support a nation that has few assets, no territory, no institutions and no international recognition.
Finally, I am not at all happy with having preconstitutional privileges conditioned to the acceptance of this constitution. They're basically bribing us with file space in Asgardia-1 in exchange for our vote. So, I am to waste 500 KB in space because I didn't comply with the Kingdom of Asgardia when it most needed my vote against?