Perhaps the translation is not very correct (original text in Russian). But, because here is the concept, I hope it will be understandable. Further I suggest to consider technical issues.
"Catalysis" is a public project in the field of space exploration, perhaps financed with crowdfunding, with no commercial component, with unlimited duration.
The aim of the project:
the creation of favourable conditions for the development of intelligent biological life in the known part of the Galaxy, including taking into account the possibility of its disappearance on Earth and in the Solar system, with minimum expenses and using the available and implemented in the near future of technologies and technical solutions.
Implementation of the project involves two successive stages, the first of which is mandatory, the second is desirable.
The first stage is the Fleet of Life.
Involves sending to a known stable stars with the protoplanetary disks of the fleet of automatic devices – "Sowers", which is a simple low-speed solar sail vehicles with high resource structure. "Sowers" are carriers of catalysts of organic synthesis of the basic components (bases) of RNA and DNA from the gas material of the protoplanetary disk. Further on the surface of the catalyst component is a spontaneous synthesis of RNA (possibly DNA) and subsequent self-replication. By the time the physical destruction of the "Sowers" the process of self-replication in the protoplanetary disk should be autocatalytic. The result of the protoplanetary gas cloud in the "habitable zone" of stars is rich the simplest biological life, extending to the surface and the atmosphere of all the emerging exoplanets and their satellites. In contrast to known conditions in the Solar system, new planetary system the probability of life development initially tends to one. At the same time formed several potential complex biospheres, and their development to complex ecosystems with the existence of potentially intelligent species is declining by approximately 1-2 billion years due to the exclusion of the pre-biotic stage.
Technical execution.
Taking into account the duration and the probabilistic nature of achieving the goal, the project is implemented by the r-strategy is the use of large groups of the same type as simple and cheap apparatus. A key element of the "Sower" are the biocatalysts. Given their low thermal resistance eliminates the possibility of the launch vehicles for energetically favorable for solar sailing scheme – solar orbit with a low perihelion (about 0.1 AU) and advanced heat shielding, and their further acceleration with the focus on the solar sail, laser or microwave radiation. At the same time, it is assumed aerodynamic braking "Sowers" have a purpose in the thin peripheral layer of the dust disk with access to a relatively stable orbit in the "habitable zone" with temperature conditions favorable for biological synthesis. This implies a low speed of flight of the order of C * 10-4, while the duration of the flight can be several millions of years. This, in turn, determines the choice of structural materials, with low requirements for heat resistance, but high radiation resistance.
The basic constructive element – the canvas sails – in this case, it is advisable to perform not traditional for such structures aluminosiloxane polymer film, but aluminum foil. To ensure the controllability of the fabric may be reinforced with cords in the form of strips of a material with shape memory, for example, titanium nickelide – they managed reduction allows for variation of the geometry of the blade. One side of the sail is highly reflective is working, the other is applied to the catalyst.
To ensure long-lasting resource is impractical to apply the catalyst directly on the canvas with a thin uniform layer, because it can be shattering. There are plans to increase on the surface of the sails of a forest of carbon nanotubes with a length of 1 µm with the inclusion of the catalyst in the wall – this will ensure not only its safety, but a much larger area washed by the gaseous medium of the protoplanetary disk. In addition, on the surface further creates the best conditions for the preservation and consolidation of the first molecules capable of self-replication.
Question navigation and precise pointing devices still requires a solution. Taking into account the duration of the flight, radiation exposure and operation experience of modern space technology, eliminating the use of any sophisticated electronic components and only the simplest reliable analog devices. The possibility of the loss of a number of devices in this case was compensates their large numbers. While technically achievable, the specific structural weight of about 1 g/m2 a one thousand "Sowers" square canvases in a one square kilometer each will have a mass of 1 ton. Suitable at the same time in a common launch container, using traditional means of rocket and space technology.
The second stage is the Fleet of Memory.
Involves the subsequent sending to the stars – recipients of the Fleet Life fleet of automatic devices – "Keepers ", which is a simple low-speed solar sail vehicles with high resource structure. "Keepers" are carriers of massively redundant information messages that enable a hypothetical reasonable residents encountered a planetary system at a certain level of cultural and technological development to the modern civilization of the Earth. In the optimum case the information encourages recipients to implement similar projects, which will make the process of propagation of intelligent biological life is autocatalytic.
Technical execution.
The devices in this series are more massive than the "Sowers" of the Fleet of Life to ensure a far larger resource. Their sail is larger and has two reflective sides, because the inhibition must not be aerodynamically in the protoplanetary disk, and as the acceleration due to light pressure on its far periphery, where possible saving a few billion years, as the cores of distant comets and Kuiper belt objects in the Solar system. In this regard, perhaps, the surface facing the Sun during acceleration, must be made darker than it turned to the star when braking.
The large size and bright surface of the sail should facilitate subsequent identification of the " Keepers" as an artificial object, a Hyper-intelligent inhabitants of the formed planetary systems.
Because the selected acceleration method is no effective reservation of the device is impossible, the information protection from radiation and erosion dust damage provided by its application to the entire surface of the sails with multiple redundancy by various means for a variety of technical possibilities of reading. The primary information for attracting attention can be applied directly to the surface in a symbolic form, for example, using resistant coatings or perforation. The bulk of information can be written in the material of the sail by means of scanning tunneling microscopy.
The provision of bioethics and cultural ethics.
Implementation of the project is not in any way a manifestation of "expansionism" of modern human civilization. Adaptation of any known biological organisms, including extremophilic, to the gas environment of the protoplanetary disk is extremely unlikely. The more unrealistic their shipping or delivery of their DNA (RNA) capable of self-replication, in a specified way, taking into account the duration of the flight and radiation load. The first phase of the project – the Fleet of Life only moves in the direction of greater likelihood is the possibility of the emergence and development of life on extrasolar planets formed, which is then evolve own unpredictable ways, taking into account features of the environment.
Especially not a manifestation of "expansionism" to implement the second phase of the project, the Fleet of Memory. In order to detect in the far periphery of the planetary system " Keeper", to reach it and read some information, a hypothetical civilization must have a level of cultural, economic and scientific-technical development, at least not inferior to modern. To this period "the Keeper" will be an archaeological object, and its information – cultural interest, allowing the recipients to find out some reasons for their existence, and perhaps encourage similar actions. In that case, if " Keepers" is the only artifact of modern civilization in this planetary system over the past billions of years, the descendants of its founders to this point have either disappeared or are in the process of development has left this area of space.