Feb 8, 17 / Pis 11, 01 17:43 UTC

Re: What games are you playing?  

Hello Heyon! There are quite a few of us that play e-sports. A lot of us are DotA2 and CS: GO players. Not many League players. We are willing to start e-sports teams with enough players and potential though. We'd love to have you on board! If you aren't part of the discord then I encourage you to join, because it's a friendly community and we have a lot of fun in there. We also have a steam group title Asgardia Gaming. Hope to see you in the discord!

Feb 16, 17 / Pis 19, 01 13:49 UTC

Chinese(wangzhe rongyao)

Feb 19, 17 / Pis 22, 01 15:20 UTC

Borderlands 2. Helios and the Asgardian ship would have so much in common. And what if Dr Ashurbeyli is Handsome Jack?

Feb 19, 17 / Pis 22, 01 17:26 UTC

I play Fallout_4.

Feb 27, 17 / Ari 02, 01 20:17 UTC

Pokémon Reborn. That game is constantly asking me if I'm a masochist for being a casual pokemon player in a high difficulty fangame.

Path of Exile. I always wanted another good Diablo 2 alike game, or even beyond that. I have never met an ActionRPG game with such complex mechanics and skill tree combinations.

Axiom Verge. A 'metroidvania' styled game with a great plot, worlds, characters and soundtracks. The game uses the reality in an alien world as an editable feature.

Feb 27, 17 / Ari 02, 01 20:28 UTC

I play 7 Days to Die (zombie survival) and Creeper World 3 (resource management) usually these days.

I have a ton of games on my Steam account, but these two are the ones I play most often. When I need a change of pace, I play KOTOR 2.

Feb 28, 17 / Ari 03, 01 09:08 UTC

I am a PC gamer playing Stellaris a lot at the moment

Mar 13, 17 / Ari 16, 01 15:53 UTC

Hey everyone, playing Destiny, ESOTU, Fallout 4, Final Fantasy XV, and Halo 5 on XBOX One here.

Mar 26, 17 / Tau 01, 01 20:01 UTC

Hey everyone! :) I play DCS Flight/Combat simulator. I fly A-10C and sometimes Su-25T. Anyone else in DCS? Btw was almost forgetting world of tanks. Though not a big fan of it. I play it when there is really nothing to do and am not in mood for anything else ;p

Mar 28, 17 / Tau 03, 01 19:01 UTC

Hello Asgardians. I am playing dota2 and Cs:go most of the time but I love mmorpgs and RPG games. If there is a community of us in steam I would like to join. Please inform me.

Apr 7, 17 / Tau 13, 01 12:30 UTC

Currently Clancy's 'The Division', but occasionally Mine craft, Elite Dangerous, and others like STO when the mood takes me. 

I've been a lifelong player, and been around since the original Pac man came out , as well as Asteroids, I remember those days, in my Grand-dads pub, playing Pac man back in the early days when I could barely reach the controls. Then having a ZX Spectrum 48k during my school years back in the early 80's (wow what a machine but now my phones memory card has more to it), I remember staying up over 24 hours on a weekend to play that game (with bio breaks of course). 

Back in 87 I worked for a high street electrical retailer in the UK and 'borrowed' a brand new home computer (an Amstrad that used 5.25 floppy disks) to learn about PC's (basically I 'borrowed' it as I'd ordered some games through the shops back channels, ahh those were the days. when games had playability with very little 'eye candy'.

I prefer MMO's and games where I can solo as that suits my gameplay style, sure I'll team up with people occasionally but I prefer games that take ages to complete, require some perseverance and don't really have an ending unless it can be helped.

Apr 7, 17 / Tau 13, 01 14:02 UTC


Apr 12, 17 / Tau 18, 01 11:48 UTC

The only Game that i play atm is The Elder Scrolls Online. I love that Game so much :)

May 10, 17 / Gem 18, 01 21:12 UTC

  1. World of Warcraft (daily)
  2. RedCrucible firestorm
  3. Mechwarrior Online (installed and following the training, at the moment)
  4. EVE-online (very very few)
  Last edited by:  Luca Coianiz (Asgardian)  on May 14, 17 / Gem 22, 01 02:09 UTC, Total number of edits: 2 times
Reason: playing

May 13, 17 / Gem 21, 01 20:05 UTC

Kerbal Space Program

Space Engineers

Diablo III

Mechwarrior Online


Natural Selection 2



Steam ID: Dills0n

  Last edited by:  Dylan Childs (Asgardian)  on May 13, 17 / Gem 21, 01 20:06 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time