Who said the leaders of a nation being crazy would be the only motivation for an attack? Also, who said anything about destroying Asgardia? Asgardia will have uncontested access to the resources in space. The billions if not trillions or more of dollars in metals, precious stones, and other resources. Would be irresistibly appealing to the greedy wealthy scum on Earth. Especially, if Asgardia has no way to defend itself from an invasionary force that. Could be sent up piece by piece until they can wrest control of the nation away from it's rightful governing body! Only an idiot would destroy a nation so strategically placed that, it opens up all kinds of doors one would not normally have access to while Earth bound.
Folks need to stop assuming destruction would be the goal of any agressive actions. Especially, when it wouldn't make any sense for any nation to want to destroy a nation that if under their control. Could yield insanely high profits with little investment required! If Asgardia existed now, I had the resources to pull off an invasion, and Asgardia had no way to stop me and access to all those resources. I'd launch the invasion and take that defenseless nation for my self, destroying it would just be a waste. What really makes the idea of a nation not having a way to defend itself laughable is I am not the only person who would think to do what I just said I would do! Hell, the US did just that with IRAQ and you folks really think it is possible for a nation to exist, have access to trillions or more dollars worth of resources uncontested access at that, not have a way to defend itself, and still enjoy peace!!! That belief is absurd, delusional, and just plain wishful thinking, maybe in a few more centuries it will be possible but, it is not now
It maybe hard to hit a moving target in such a large area but, it is not impossible so that excuse is quite irrelevent