I actually have to agree with the original poster on this. The right to security/safety is in our constitution, and having our own firearms and weapons guarantees that right.
For those wondering, it's not the firearms themselves that cause mass shootings/killings, but the person behind them. There are plenty of instances of mass stabbings and bombings that have happened in countries without civilian firearm ownership.
Everyone likes to point out the sensationalized "mass shootings" in the United States, but what people fail to point out is our mental health system is so messed up that it doesn't allow people to get the help they need. This is either because of the help not being easily available, or because of the stigmatization behind getting mental health help.
Yes, I am biased because I am an American, but in areas where there is high civilian gun ownership, there is much less crime. Of course, there are a few examples where that is not the case (such as Detroit), but really even if guns were illegal in those places, those people could care less about the laws (again, it's the person who makes that choice to commit a crime). Plus, the right to civilian gun ownership is something that is extremely liberal (in the true sense of the word) in that the government trusts the citizens to own weapons in case they themselves betray the citizens and what the country stands for.
All I ask if that people take an objective look behind the concept of firearm ownership. I have always imagined Asgardia and space as the last "wild west" and I wouldn't want to be in the last frontier without a weapon to protect myself with.