I read all of the link you provided and there are two issues that I think more favours my argument over yours:
1. It primarilly related to the concealled carry of dirks and daggers. Things may be different where you are, but I do not know many instances where someone would carry around a concealled butter knife.
2. The main weakness identified is that proving the offence cited required evidence as to "state of mind" (ie. The person concerned must know the implement could be used as a stabbing impliment). Anyone involved in law enforcement knows this is nearly impossible to prove under the best of circumstances
Call me naieve, but I'd like to think that a judge can draw the difference between a dagger and a butter knife. Yes, I agree that awls are sharp and pointy, but in a paperless environment (like I think Asgardia would be) what is the purpose of owning one?
Brandon, I am aware I can upload a profile pic. As I have mentioned a couple of times, I'm involved in law enforcement. What I haven't mentioned is that I often deal with organised crime. I like to keep my online footprint to a minimum and given this forum can be viewed publically, that's not a great idea. I could upload an avatar picture. But what would that help?