Apr 1, 17 / Tau 07, 01 15:49 UTC
Re: Civilian conceal carry of weapons ¶
A while ago I asked you a question and you never tried to answer it, so, I will ask it again can you name just one example of a group not having weapons leading to an advanced society? I suggest you make an attempt to answer as the question is massively relevant to your idea that Asgardia not having weapons will lead to an advanced society and not answering it is you silently admitting that you can not and that it has never happened, will never happen, and the idea itself is incorrect. Also, I am of the opinion based on your arguments that, you are just trying to use the concepts of faith and trust just as a way to garner support for your arguments and that you have no intent to show any faith or trust to your fellow Asgardians. In which case that would make those words hollow when spoken or typed in this case by you.
What humans need do to before they can build an advanced society is first break free from the grip of their Egos. Then they need to enlighten themselves intellectually and spiritually. The ego is the ultimate sign of ignorance and folks under the grip of ignorance. Are not able to see what truly matters because their connection to their higherself is being blocked. The key to building an advanced society will always be the people in said society!