Dec 21, 16 / Cap 20, 00 01:42 UTC
Re: Experience of asgardianing in military and security ¶
10 years experience as a bouncer. I know its not impressive as anything in the military I learned a great deal about dealing with people in general.
Dec 21, 16 / Cap 20, 00 01:42 UTC
10 years experience as a bouncer. I know its not impressive as anything in the military I learned a great deal about dealing with people in general.
Dec 21, 16 / Cap 20, 00 08:49 UTC
Well... i'm just a young security officer but i want to continue my job and protect people !
Dec 21, 16 / Cap 20, 00 22:00 UTC
Well I have been in ROTC programs for the last 5 years and I plan on joining the navy as a pilot or a navy seal probably navy seal but going to asgardia when the time comes of like to be I'm the military for asgardia
Dec 21, 16 / Cap 20, 00 22:38 UTC
Hi there i'm a police officer with the belgian police for 6 years now, sow i have experience dealing with people.
Dec 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 09:40 UTC
Hello, I am currently military in a parachutist regiment for 10 years in the french army, specializing in transmissions
Dec 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 09:56 UTC
Hello, I am currently military in a parachutist regiment for 10 years in the french army, specializing in transmissions
Dec 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 13:15 UTC
Hi everyone again I'd like to welcome everyone to the page and ideas thinking the other night we have a lot of military experience between us all including police etc so to actually get organised and help set up a template for a military and police force I suggest all people with military or police experience we put our heads together pay attention as if we were getting a mission brief and come up with some sort of format and official layout for a military defence force and police force here on earth ...we cut out the people that are talking space at the min as we need to ha e our heads straight and be realistic .........what do you all think
Dec 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 13:53 UTC
Hey. Ex military as well, only 1 year of expirience in antitank division infantry, currently working in border control. Have a lot of expirience with people.
About the offical military layout, if i understand corretcly at first there must be some civil rights and rules to be made for basics of security and after that point police rules can be made. Correct me if i am wrong.
Dec 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 14:26 UTC
Your right I'm looking at gathering info basically comming up with an unofficial paper on structure ,training, recruitment and equipment of a full military putting it all together, unofficial of course, just for future planning sake, more to gather ideas and what not, see how it goes basically, getting all the military minds together and see what we come up with and then when we have a constitution we can work on the finer details.
Dec 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 14:50 UTC
I just hope that military career final goal is ONLY defense, otherwise it will have agressor mind seed in it.
Dec 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 22:30 UTC
Current U.S. Army Combat Medic, 6 years experience. Hackett, if you need help with that paper let me know.