May 26, 17 / Can 06, 01 03:54 UTC
Asgardia.Constitution.Proposal.txt - Democratic Technocracy – Chapter 6 ¶
[Below is my proposed replacement for the Original Draft presented by Asgardia.Space for the community. It’s based heavily upon the original document with significant changes to Government structure. Where possible, I attempted to not deviate from the structure/layout of the original document. The full text can be found here: ]
Article 21. Security Areas
§ 1. Asgardia’s security doctrine is exclusively peaceful and defensive in nature.
§ 2. Asgardia protects its territories and humankind from threats originating in space. Asgardia also defends itself and its citizens from external and internal threats.
Article 22. Security of Citizens
§ 1. Asgardia defines the security of citizens as the ability of the state and the citizen to overcome threats and minimise risks in the present and future.
§ 2. Citizen security is ensured in Asgardian territory.
§ 3. Asgardia guarantees protection from any slavery or servitude, physical or emotional violence and compulsion, unlawful dependence and restrictions, and unlawful obligations or subordination within its territory.
§ 4. State bodies and diplomatic representative bodies of Asgardia in Earth nation states must exhaust all peaceful means and measures to assist the provision of physical security of its citizens outside of Asgardia in accordance with Asgardia’s Constitution and laws, generally recognised international principles and norms, international treaties, and rules of nation states in which Asgardian citizens reside.
§ 5. Asgardia prohibits persecution for views and convictions. Any persecution for expression of views is prohibited.
§ 6. Asgardia guarantees the protection for citizen’s personal data.
Article 23. Security of Asgardia
§ 1. Asgardia maintains and protects its national sovereignty, national security and the security of its resources on celestial bodies, in space and on Earth using all of its state abilities, means and resources.
§ 2. Asgardia monitors and forecasts external and internal threats, and security risks (including but not limited to space, military, political, informational, economic and environmental risks), and ensures that they are minimised, prevented or that damage from the realisation of such risks is minimised and their consequences are addressed.
§ 3. To ensure information security, the state regulates the circulation of certain types of information on the basis of the Constitution and in accordance with the Law of Asgardia.
§ 4. The state ensures the creation of a secure environment for the circulation of accurate information (including electronic databases of scientific research and technical information) and the creation of informational infrastructure that is resistant to different types of impact.
Article 24. Protection of Territories
§ 1. Asgardia uses state and private resources to build and operate systems to defend and protect its territories from threats originating in space independently and in cooperation with Earth nation states and international organisations on the basis of bilateral and multilateral treaties.
§ 2. In order to protect Asgardia and humankind, Asgardia’s authorised state bodies will:
a. monitor the condition and physical processes of potentially dangerous objects in near and outer space, model and forecast space-born threats, and their potential consequences;
b. monitor the condition and physical processes in Earth’s geospheres and model and forecast their potential consequences;
c. monitor the Earth’s biosphere and emerging biological threats originating in space and model and forecast their potential consequences, and ways of defending against such threats.
§ 3. In order to preserve humanity and Earth’s biodiversity, Asgardia organises and ensures the building of Space Arks, defensive platforms in space, to be used in the event of threats to the safety of humanity.