May 20, 17 / Can 00, 01 02:11 UTC
Critique of the draft Constitution - Chapter 8 ¶
Article 36. Decision-Making and Implementation
§1) “The Head of State’s address is binding for all Asgardian state bodies and officials.” This should be stripped from this section. All binding agreements should be enacted by law as enforced by the parliament and not a verbal address to Asgardia. Verbal decrees like the address have little means of check and balance by the supervisory and Judicial branches.
§2) What are “key social relations?”
§5) Will this “public monitoring” be open for public viewing? There must be transparency of government.
Article 37. Judiciary
§4) Why 13 Justices? Do they all preside on the same cases? Is there a minimum quorum of Justices required to hand out the final verdict?
§5) 40 is a good age for a young Justice. However, I don’t believe there should be an upper age limit for this type of position.
§10) Lifetime appointments should not be the default term! Justices should be limited to a maximum of two terms at 15 years each term. At the end of each term, Parliament must vote to keep or replace the Justice. We must keep the court fresh and encourage Citizens to participate in the Government. Additionally, no Citizen (not the HoS, the Justices, the Royal Court, the Royal Council, the Parliament, etc.) should ever be above the laws and constitution of Asgardia! You cannot have immunity and follow the law. All people should be held accountable. The statement: “enjoy immunity and independence and” must be stripped from this clause.
§**) There should be an established appeals process from lower courts. Only cases heard by the Supreme Justice will be considered final.
Article 38. Prosecutor’s Office
This should be titled: “Prosecutor General” as it focuses on that role.
§3) The Prosecutor General should be limited to five-year terms at a maximum of five terms.
§**) There should be an explanation of the Prosecutor General’s role in removing the HoS.
Article 39. National Audit Office
§3) All positions in this office should be limited to a maximum of three-terms. Five-year terms are acceptable.
§**) Under which branch does this office belong? Supervisory?
Article 40. Law Enforcement
§**) If prisons are prohibited (Article 9§10), what is the consequence of the most offensive crime (e.g. murder)? Do we revoke that person’s citizenship/rights and exile them? Do we rehabilitate them and reintegrate them back into society?
§**) There should be a clause on extradition, but not in the Constitution. I hope the Law does elaborate on this point.
§**)Which government branch does “Law Enforcement” belong? Judiciary?