[Below is my proposed replacement for the Original Draft presented by Asgardia.Space for the community. It’s based heavily upon the original document with significant changes to Government structure. Where possible, I attempted to not deviate from the structure/layout of the original document. The full text can be found here: https://github.com/lorezyra/Asgardia.Government/blob/master/Asgardia.Constitution.Proposal.txt ]
Article 16. Government by the People
§ 1. Asgardian citizens are the source of Asgardia’s powers.
§ 2. The collective will of Asgardian citizens is implemented through their participation in elections to state bodies and monitoring of these bodies, referenda, and interaction with their representatives in elected state bodies.
§ 3. Elections to state bodies and citizen participation in developing, making, implementing, and monitoring the performance of state administrative decisions is conducted primarily via electronic voting.
§ 4. Prejudice against participation in elections and referenda based on place of birth, residence, Earthly citizenship, language, gender, sexual orientation, race, nationality, beliefs, or financial standing of Earth nation states, and any other difference is prohibited.
§ 5. State bodies and officials may not intervene in elections, put pressure on citizens, or falsify elections during democratic procedures.
§ 6. Government by the People in Asgardia is ensured by:
a. establishing a procedure for elections, requirements applicable to candidates and election time frames;
b. ensuring that state body officials can be replaced and setting maximum term limits for government positions;
c. court protection of Asgardian citizen rights to run for office and be elected;
d. public control via electronic resources of the public activities of state bodies, regular reporting to citizens, provision of open information about the state of different areas of government responsibilities in the format set by the law;
e. procedures that allow citizens to put forward legislative proposals and initiate referenda;
f. separation of powers;
g. the work of the Council of Supreme Values which monitors the activities of state bodies to ensure they are compliant with Asgardia’s Supreme Values and Constitution.
§ 7. The supreme form of the expression of public will in Asgardia is a referendum. Referenda are used to resolve important matters in Asgardia’s public life. The Head of State, Parliament, the Council of Supreme Values, and citizens have the right to initiate referenda.
Article 17. Fairness
§ 1. Asgardia recognizes that every person has an inalienable right to fair treatment and facilitates the enjoyment of this right.
§ 2. Asgardia is a nation state of social justice which strives to ensure that citizens enjoy material benefits expected by other citizens, society, and the state, which are produced by the citizen through labour.
§ 3. Fairness in Asgardia is ensured through the state respecting the legal interests of all lawful interest groups and striving to balance conflicting interests.
§ 4. To ensure fairness, the state encourages:
a. equal rights and equality of human dignity;
b. state and public support for groups in need, charity, philanthropy, and mutual aid;
c. work and scientific and technological progress.
§ 5. The state encourages the work of citizens and citizen associations, including investors and philanthropists, who engage in socially important activities.