My associate and I were discussion this tonight, and remarked that the standard vote should:
1. Be registered for members by private-key-infrastructure (PKI).
OpenPGP and login-based credentials are a strong solution, to prevent duplicate voting and voter fraud.
2. All votes should include a Yes and No option. In this way all registered users have voted Yes, No, or abstained.
3. As in all quorums, only the total of the YES versus NO votes constitute the final count of votes - regardless of the number of potential (registered) voters, on most question of minor importance. Major questions may require a minimum number of votes to qualify as binding, to prevent a minority from seizing control during a period of communication or access loss, and allow a minimum of 30 days to place votes. Times should also be defined. 30 terrestrial days is suggested by standard for legal notices, although persons in conflict zones may be out of touch for much longer. Major elections should allow longer periods to vote.
4. While the new jurisdiction (sovereignty) is not subject to these guidelines, the use of the language (English as such) does reserve certain words to the English definitions of the terms in contract law (Articles of Rome, International Law); so using the guidelines to meet these requirements without excess verbage is advisable. It simplifies things.
5. The examples of abuse I can give you are many, the worst being the "Voting" system in Klie Entertainment products that let users "DELETE THE WORLD" if at any time three people log on to a server with any number of maximum users, simply because two-out-of-three is a quorum.
6. I would STRONGLY suggest an iphone/android app to facilitate this voting system, but security and compliance issues exist in such a solution. Notifications will faciliate easier awareness of issues and pending activity in the roles of specific voters and classes (job duties). The ASGARDIA tablet app would be a strong project.
7. First we have to fix the website. Javascript breaks on many forms. I would recommend PHP/MySQL on Linux for future projects, as JAVA and Javascript both have a very short lifespan. HTML5 with PHP is practically magic. It also creates faster analytics for real-time reporting.
8. No penalty for not voting should be amended to the Constitution, as civic obligations must not be foist on the public lest they resent the duty and arbitrarily vote no on all issues not of interest or entertainment value to themselves. Nor should Citizenship be subject to suspension or removal as rights are not rights with grant of privilege, while rights to participate in voting and other rewards may be suspended - let us never eject people who are human beings from our view of rights upheld by Asgardia.
9. The duration of the Captcha also expires before most articles are ready, and needs tweaking.