Mar 21, 17 / Ari 24, 01 16:33 UTC

Hello everybody!  

Hello people of Asgardia, this is my very first post here, I've been around since the last year tho. I'm Italian (and Asgardian as well now, of course), and I'm quite surprised to see that, at the moment, we are 5th in the certified Asgardians chart. What can I say about me? I am just a curios person, my interests are various, I like science in general, but it's a passion, I didn't study anything related to it, and I also love art (mainly classical and neoclassical). What I don't like is the path that the majority of the governments are following nowadays and the lack of common sense in most of the earth's population, that's the main reason why I've joined this project. So here I am, my name is Alessandro (but if you find it easier, Alexander is fine too), nice to meet you!

  Last edited by:  Alexander Zuffi (Asgardian)  on Mar 21, 17 / Ari 24, 01 16:58 UTC, Total number of edits: 2 times

Mar 21, 17 / Ari 24, 01 16:52 UTC

Hi Alessandro Zuffi, Welcome to the Asgardia Forums! We have many discussions and projects happening at the moment. We welcome your ideas. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the terms if you haven’t already. Let us know if you have any questions.

Make sure to keep up with Asgardia News and Announcements at

  Last edited by:  Jewell Ledoux (Global Admin, Asgardian)  on Mar 21, 17 / Ari 24, 01 16:53 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Mar 23, 17 / Ari 26, 01 03:33 UTC

Welcome! Enjoy your lift here.

Apr 11, 17 / Tau 17, 01 13:13 UTC

Ciao Alessandro,

ho già avuto il piacere di leggerti in altri thread. Forse sei al corrente dell'esistenza di un "chapter" italiano, qui in forum: FORUM INDEX > MINISTRY OF CITIZENSHIP > REGIONS > EUROPE > ITALY :