Feb 5, 17 / Pis 08, 01 20:50 UTC
Hi from Finland ¶
Good evening(?) everyone, this project was just on a Finnish news site and I wonder how many Finnish people actually went all the way and signed up for this...? Uh, anyway so nice to meet everyone, regardless where you're from. My english isn't the best possible and I'm sorry about that- I just haven't spend much time on social media actually talking to people and learning the language. Also because I'm slightly Autistic I feel kind of awkward communicating with others unless it's about my own interests, but I'm willing to give this a try. We're all different individuals after all but what we have in common might be that we want something to change..? Or maybe just curiosity? Curiosity is great!
Personally I'm just so fed up with the wealthy materialistic lifestyle where the only purpose in life seems to be just owning stuff. Also I'm endlessly curious about learning alternative ways to do things, so I thought being a part of this project could be an extremely satisfying experience. My personal hobbies are drawing, hiking, programming, videogames and traditional table-top games. Which all are basically just forms of exploring the world inside- and outside my head. Chill stuff like that. I also have to pay extra attention on nutrition because I'm really allergic to some preservatives and colourants and kind of forced to cook most of my own food. I could kinda call it a hobby too since it's really fun to hunt on bazaars for exotic ingredients for making up my own recipes. And I like people, in general. Why to waste your energy on disliking them? (Just saying because I often face this misconception that Autistic people are just really negative and nihilistic which isn't quite right.)
Ps; If we make it to the space during my lifetime... man, I really hope there will be cats. I really need cats to function properly. And kimchi. That's pretty much it. 👋👋