Nov 30, 18 / Sag 26, 02 14:35 UTC
News Roundup - What's Asgardia Currently Doing?

Roundup with Ross

Hello again my fellow Asgardians. It’s been another awesome few weeks since the last post (and yes, I did say that I would do it weekly but let’s all agree to retcon that.) Bit of a longer post this time ...

Dec 3, 18 / Cap 01, 02 20:13 UTC
Thank you ross
Dec 2, 18 / Cap 00, 02 14:48 UTC
Thank you Ross. But I don't get it 100%. It says " Asgardia …….that would give back to Citizens” Please elaborate this part. Does it mean Citizens spoon-fed with high profit from Digital Businssess? Would Digital business involve Many Citizens as Players or just being Watchers like lame ducks ? ...
Dec 1, 18 / Sag 27, 02 07:28 UTC
Добрый день. Делается конечно много , однако как то все кособоко и направлено все на космос , в то время как о Паралельных мирах не говорится не слово ...А веть ученые всего мира СОГЛАСНЫ во мнении что Паралельные миры существуют и их множество. Во всех государствах идут целенаправленные исследования науки ...
See all 6 comments
Nov 15, 18 / Sag 11, 02 18:30 UTC
News Roundup

Asgardia is an active and ever-changing place. As we move closer and closer to our goals, a lot of information is pumped out from our Nation’s press offices, so it’s understandable that people can’t catch all the news.


Dec 2, 18 / Cap 00, 02 15:01 UTC
1.Thank you Ross. On Decree 27 , my comment as follow : As education or knowledge for us the activists here , could we know how the contest run ? and what the contestants ‘ ideas are. What is the mechanism , basis or process in setting the initial currency ...
Nov 26, 18 / Sag 22, 02 01:43 UTC
Thank you Ross
Nov 22, 18 / Sag 18, 02 05:01 UTC
Thank you Ross
See all 4 comments
Aug 20, 18 / Lib 08, 02 09:24 UTC

This platform has been set up to explore the future, together we can build a grass roots movement in the south of England that will see new Asgardians joining the nation. The medieval city of Salisbury can become the heart of the Asgardian future.

Nov 8, 18 / Sag 04, 02 14:22 UTC
приглашаю посетить мою тему паралельный мир в разделе Наука и техника . Оставьте свое сообщение .
Sep 9, 18 / Sco 00, 02 20:41 UTC
Good luck
Sep 9, 18 / Sco 00, 02 20:41 UTC
Good luck
See all 5 comments
Jun 26, 18 / Leo 09, 02 19:40 UTC
So what's next for the first space nation?

On the 25 th of June 2018 history was made in the Austrian city of Vienna. Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli was officially inaugurated as the head of state for Asgardia, the Space Nation. While he delivered an inspirational speech to the congregation that was sure to light the ...

Aug 5, 18 / Vir 21, 02 10:39 UTC
I agree, it's a huge task. Even if I'm not able to see it come to fruition, I'm happy and excited for the future of life
Jun 29, 18 / Leo 12, 02 04:10 UTC
Very interesting explanation of the steps to be taken, my best regards to you.
Jun 29, 18 / Leo 12, 02 00:34 UTC
Beautiful vision.. I would like some clarfication though on Nation Building point 3. What does it mean? Grow population to 2% of the most creative individuals on planet earth Is this meaning in refeference to Asardia being at least 150 million people large and being considered the most creative individuals ...
See all 9 comments
Jun 18, 18 / Leo 01, 02 11:21 UTC
Asgardia Celebrates Unity Day 2018

In 2017 Head of Nation Dr. Ashurbeyli issued Decree No.3 which outlined Unity Day- An important day where Asgardians cast their votes on the Declaration of unity and the constitution.

Fast-forward to 18th of June 2018 and Unity Day is a special day for Asgardia, this the ...

Jun 19, 18 / Leo 02, 02 16:42 UTC
Thank you for your sharing, Ross! That was indeed a great day! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Now it ...
Jun 19, 18 / Leo 02, 02 05:05 UTC
Happy Unity Day all! This year is going to get even more exciting and what better way to start than to celebrate our unity as a nation!
Jun 18, 18 / Leo 01, 02 14:49 UTC
Happy Unity Day, everyone!
See all 4 comments
Jun 13, 18 / Can 24, 02 18:52 UTC
7 reasons why the inauguration is important for Asgardia.

On June the 25 th , Asgardia will host the inauguration of Igor Ashurbeyli at a ceremonious event at the Hofburg in Vienna. Today, I look at 7 reasons why this historic event is important for Asgardia.

1. It puts us on ...

Jun 20, 18 / Leo 03, 02 05:38 UTC
Excellent article Ross. I look forward to the honour of witnessing this historical moment in person.
Jun 15, 18 / Can 26, 02 23:11 UTC
Thanks, Ross! Looking forward to the Inauguration for all these fine reasons!
Jun 15, 18 / Can 26, 02 01:19 UTC
100% Ross! The greatest benefit of the inauguration would be to show the international community that we are serious about this project and to become an eventual recognised state-actor in the global political arena. Especially regarding recognition by business people, investors, entrepreneurs and even companies who may see Asgardia and ...
See all 8 comments
May 30, 18 / Can 10, 02 11:02 UTC
Answering your questions!

Q. How do I get an official Passport?

A. Passports will only start to be issued once we have reached mutual recognition with other nations that will accept an Asgardian passport as an official document.

It ...

Jan 21, 19 / Aqu 21, 03 04:27 UTC
Rereading post as being fairly new Resident here., Thank You for posts clarifying information on site.
Jun 1, 18 / Can 12, 02 17:48 UTC
Thanks Ross!
May 31, 18 / Can 11, 02 21:03 UTC
See all 5 comments
Apr 10, 18 / Tau 16, 02 21:06 UTC
A different path to building the Nation.

A different path to building the Nation.

By Ross Cheeseright | 10/04/2018

As many of you will know, I have been working on helping to build Asgardia for a long time now. That journey took me ...

May 14, 18 / Gem 22, 02 21:36 UTC
Sorry for the Delay - Yes, I opened up a new FB Account to collect all my Asgardian business in one place :)
May 14, 18 / Gem 22, 02 21:35 UTC
That would be great. I've got some things in the pipeline that you'll be hearing about soon, Christian :)
May 13, 18 / Gem 21, 02 21:34 UTC
If there is anything coming up regarding VR as a tech for Asgardia to make this great nation more alive, and close the earthly distance between citizen please count me in! :) I'm very positive to being able to probably best help out with interaction design/ UX, UI and QA/ ...
See all 7 comments
Mar 14, 18 / Ari 17, 02 23:30 UTC

I spent a lot of time on Asgardia’s networks, on our social networks and on our own website. Much of the time I spend there is enjoying debate and discussion with people from all walks of life. One topic that I have seen come up time and ...

May 4, 18 / Gem 12, 02 08:36 UTC
Fair shout buddy
Apr 24, 18 / Gem 02, 02 21:41 UTC
My personal opinion: Best place for religion would be in the past. Humanity cannot move forward without releasing itself from the shackled, repressive thoughts of the past. We see what religion has done to divide humanity here on Earth and the bloody battles as it's result. So that should continue ...
Mar 15, 18 / Ari 18, 02 05:09 UTC
post this one to the other one" typo
See all 6 comments
Mar 14, 18 / Ari 17, 02 23:30 UTC
Religion in Asgardia?

I spent a lot of time on Asgardia’s networks, on our social networks and on our own website. Much of the time I spend there is enjoying debate and discussion with people from all walks of life. One topic that I have seen come up time and ...

Apr 30, 18 / Gem 08, 02 00:12 UTC
What do I strong believe is the truth. Every religion is telling us a part of true and good values. `Fundamental values such family, love, respect, loyalty, are part of every religions from all over the world. What I would like to do is relay on all the old ones ...
Mar 17, 18 / Ari 20, 02 01:37 UTC
Religion is an important part of human history that we should not leave behind, regardless of an individual's personal beliefs. No one should be forced to accept a particular faith, and on the other side of the coin, no one should be denied their faith.
Mar 16, 18 / Ari 19, 02 12:44 UTC
Religion is a fear based form of control. Why do we want Asgardian’s to be afraid? I don’t need a religion to know what is right or wrong to my fellow human beings. 75% of all the wars on this planet are because of a disagreement over who’s religion is ...
See all 7 comments
Mar 5, 18 / Ari 08, 02 19:01 UTC
What features does our website need for Asgardian Citizens?

As the elections draw to a close, it certainly seems that Asgardia is looking towards the future – there are a lot of developments, Parliament is being selected, there is a design contest for the Solar and Lunar currency and there is a big contest ...

Apr 12, 18 / Tau 18, 02 16:03 UTC
I've been trying to see the blog history for a while but Asagardia tech only just fixed a bug that allowed it. I'd join you in any world building ideas.
Mar 25, 18 / Tau 00, 02 14:42 UTC
Идея Росса "Собирать взносы граждан в Библиотеку Асгардии-нашего Дома -это создание Банка интеллектуального капитала Асгардии. И это мне нравится. Некоторые научные идеи и разработки я отправил на наш спутник "Асгардия-1" именно с этой целью-сохранение интеллектуального капитала. Давайте делать "Библиотеку Асгардии" как банк Интеллектуального капитала коллективного пользования!
Mar 10, 18 / Ari 13, 02 07:14 UTC
*Updated I scrolled down to see Ross's proposal of a think tank for our finance. I just wanted to say that think tank can stay the same (or subject to change or form a new group of think tank) to discuss about things that are non finance related.
See all 20 comments
Feb 21, 18 / Pis 24, 02 21:43 UTC
Operation Treasury - Funding Asgardia

By Ross Cheeseright & Ivan Rosel | 21/02/2018


In the text of Decree 15, HoN Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli announced that he would bring ...

Mar 9, 18 / Ari 12, 02 13:13 UTC
You repeat your words too much, they will have no meaning.
Mar 5, 18 / Ari 08, 02 15:45 UTC
Hello !!! I read your platform and I voted for you. I invite you to know my campaign, and return your vote for me. Access my profile and vote for me. All the Best !!!
Mar 5, 18 / Ari 08, 02 07:21 UTC
I vote for you too...wish you fo your job well when you are elected, specially to all Asgardian Citizens worldwide for their benefits & welfare to all.
See all 19 comments
Feb 17, 18 / Pis 20, 02 19:10 UTC
100 Euro Fee?!

Salutations my fellow Asgardians,

Many of you have may have recently seen something about a 100 EURO fee circulating around on our Social Media 'outlets' and I have seen that it is causing some confusion so I wanted to write a blog to clear up that confusion ...

Aug 27, 18 / Lib 15, 02 15:27 UTC
Feb 22, 18 / Pis 25, 02 05:26 UTC
Thanks Ross i'm all set up in dischord :)
Feb 21, 18 / Pis 24, 02 19:20 UTC
Hey Jen - I know what you mean there is always a lot going on. My blog is a good source for information for news and Asgardia-related content, but you can find the Discord server here: To clarify, myself and some Asgardian colleagues proposed the server and set it ...
See all 6 comments
Feb 12, 18 / Pis 15, 02 15:36 UTC

Hello there my Fellow Asgardians,

Some of you eagle-eyed people may have noticed that my campaign profile has appeared under the "Government Candidate" section of the website, complete with a whole new campaign platform. Here's the rundown. ...

Mar 5, 18 / Ari 08, 02 02:53 UTC
I have a question because I can't find it anywhere. You were a strong candidate for Parliamentary and withdrew due to age. As for Government position the age starts at 35 so are people under that age also disqualified?
Dec 25, 17 / Cap 23, 01 13:30 UTC
Withdrawing from the Elections.


Asgardia has made an indirect statement on the age-limit for Parliamentary candidates. On the 24 th of December they have updated the website, splitting the candidates into two categories. Parliamentary ...

Feb 14, 18 / Pis 17, 02 17:53 UTC
I'm truly excited and glad you decided to run for a position in our government again I'm always happy to give you my vote.
Feb 12, 18 / Pis 15, 02 20:07 UTC
Thanks for the heads up. I'll go and take a look :)
Feb 12, 18 / Pis 15, 02 19:36 UTC
I noticed you wrote a lot about virtual reality, I'd recommend checking out Sansar.
See all 10 comments
Dec 24, 17 / Cap 22, 01 11:37 UTC
Wishing you a happy Holiday

Salutations my fellow Asgardians,

It is tradition in my Fiancé’s country to celebrate Christmas on the 24 th of December, in mine, we do it on the 25 th but as she must live away from home, we decided to ...

Dec 24, 17 / Cap 22, 01 11:49 UTC

Great Ross, here in Galicia also has the same tradition that most people have. A religious event has become the best excuse to gather friends and family and celebrate many things. These dates have something very special for everyone here in my land.

Happy Holidays.


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