May 24, 17 / Can 04, 01 23:01 UTC

Re: Discussion of the draft Constitution  

Most important features of Consititution:

1) procedure for ammending constitution
... so that eventually we can change age limits, or constitutional monarchy ;)

2) referendum
voice of the nation, and I want more of it!

These two combined will ensure adaptability and sustainability of the nation.

There's a couple of things I'm delighted with, like no prisons, time for self-improvement, teritory...

Thanks everyone involved, keep up the good work!

May 24, 17 / Can 04, 01 23:47 UTC

Hermanos asgardianos, mis consideraciones respecto a la constitución de nuestro estado, son las siguientes: 

Antes de empezar mis consideraciones debemos tener clara la existencia de tratados convenios y resoluciones de las Naciones Unidas referentes a las actividades desarrolladas en el cosmos. 

Partiendo de esta idea y, recordando que Asgardia es una estado más de nuestro planeta, muchos artículos de los primeros capítulos son incensarios, por cuanto desarrollan las mismas premisas establecidas en los tratados internacionales, como el libre acceso a los espacio ultraterrestre, la luna y otros cuerpos celestes, el acceso a los recursos de cualquier tipo encontrados en el cosmos. 

Asgardia por su ubicación geográfica, deberá desarrollar una legislación nacional, referente a las actividades que se desarrollen en el cosmos, lo suficientemente real y visionaria, para poder así garantizar el mejor desenvolvimiento de sus actividades en el cosmos. 

Las normas de derecho internacional relativas al espacio ultraterrestre y los cuerpos celestes, no fueron creadas con la suficiente visión, la Comisión Para La Utilización Del Espacio Ultraterrestre Con Fines Pacíficos, mas allá de garantizar el mejor desenvolvimiento en cosmos, lo limita. Muchos supuestos que hoy día pueden darse en las actividades desarrolladas en el cosmos, no son reguladas, peor aún, hace décadas no se redactan normas internacionales vinculantes referentes al cosmos. Es por ello que uno de los principios de nuestra nación debe ser incentivar la creación de normas de derecho ultraterrestre, la adecuación de las actividades realizadas en el cosmos, a las normas de derecho ultraterrestre e incentivar la creación de un Organismo Internacional enfocado exclusivamente en las relaciones en el cosmos. 

La ciencia, debe ser el principio y fin primordial de asgardia, gracias a ella, esta nación cobro vida y, gracias a ella esta nación prevalecerá en el tiempo. Por ende el desarrollo sostenible y sustentable de la ciencia, debe estar dentro de las bases de nuestra nación. 

Respecto a la edad para poder ser escogido como presidente, debe estar ser modificada a 30 años. El pedido presidencial deberá ser de 5 años. 

Igualmente con los diputados, es verdaderamente excesiva la edad planteada, para ejercer este cargo bastaría con tener la mayoría de edad 18 años. 

Respecto a los jueces, estos no deben tener una edad mínima para poder ser escogidos, basta con que sean abogados y tengan especializaciones en la materia en cuestión. 

No debe denigrarse a la juventud, ella es el futuro de toda nación, las ideas y el trabajo de los jóvenes son tan importantes como el de las personas que ya han vivo medio siglo. 

Siendo esta la primera nación en el espacio, sus normas deben estar constituidas para garantizar el desenvolvimiento de sus actividades de sus nacionales, en un entorno muy distinto al de la tierra, de enfocarnos en tener una constitución muy similar al de cualquier estado, esta está destinada al fracaso. Debemos trabajar por tener una constitución adecuada a nuestras necesidades. 

Esta constitución hace excesiva referencia y énfasis a su situación geográfica como estado, olvidándose que es un estado, y por ende muchas de las premisas desarrolladas en su articulado, simplemente están de más. Deben utilizarse esas líneas para de forma más útil. 

***MOD EDIT, English translation using Google Translate***

Asgardian Brothers, my considerations regarding the constitution of our state, are the following:

Before beginning my considerations we should be clear about the existence of treaties and resolutions of the United Nations concerning the activities carried out in the cosmos.

Starting from this idea and remembering that Asgardia is another state of our planet, many articles of the first chapters are censers, since they develop the same premises established in international treaties, such as free access to outer space, the moon and Other celestial bodies, access to resources of any kind found in the cosmos.

Asgardia due to its geographic location, it must develop a national legislation, referring to the activities that take place in the cosmos, real enough and visionary, in order to be able to guarantee the best development of its activities in the cosmos.

The norms of international law relating to outer space and celestial bodies were not created with sufficient vision, the Commission for the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, beyond guaranteeing the best development in the cosmos, limits it. Many assumptions that can be made today in the activities developed in the cosmos are not regulated. Worse still, for decades, no binding international norms have been written concerning the cosmos. That is why one of the principles of our nation must be to encourage the creation of norms of outer law, the adaptation of activities carried out in the cosmos, to the norms of the outer law and to encourage the creation of an International Organism focused exclusively on Relationships in the cosmos.

Science, it must be the primordial principle and end of asgardia, thanks to her, this nation comes alive and, thanks to her this nation will prevail in the time. Therefore the sustainable and sustainable development of science, must be within the bases of our nation.

Regarding the age to be chosen as president, it must be modified to 30 years. The presidential order must be 5 years.

Equally with the deputies, it is really excessive the age raised, to exercise this position would suffice to have the majority of age 18 years.

With respect to judges, they should not have a minimum age to be eligible, they must be lawyers and have specializations in the matter in question.

It should not be denigrated to the youth, it is the future of every nation, the ideas and work of young people are as important as that of people who have already lived half a century.

Being this the first nation in space, its rules must be constituted to guarantee the development of its activities of its nationals, in an environment very different from the one of the land, of focusing on having a constitution very similar to the one of any state, this is Destined to failure. We must work to have a constitution that is appropriate to our needs.

This constitution makes excessive reference and emphasis to its geographical situation as a state, forgetting that it is a state, and therefore many of the premises developed in its articles are simply too much. These lines should be used for more use.

  Last edited by:  Tianyou Song (Asgardian)  on May 25, 17 / Can 05, 01 04:24 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: English translation

May 25, 17 / Can 05, 01 03:46 UTC

Something I there do not understand?

13.5. «Суверенная валюта Асгардии эмитируется Государственным Банком Асгардии в объеме, привязанном к идеальным параметрам Луны, определяемом специальным законом Асгардии».

Is astrology? Or just an incorrect translation? Where is the Moon?

Currency should be issued in the amount, provided the available sovokupnosti material and information resources.

13.3. «Валюта Асгардии свободно конвертируется во все основные валюты мирового обращения на свободном рынке планеты Земля».

Currency, as I said, should be tied to measurable physical units, in principle nepaliforum, and provided the existing material and informational resources. If it is freely converted in a speculative procedures, one day some crook like Soros will buy all Asgardia for pieces of paper with pictures on it, simply because of the originally small amounts of its economy.

May 25, 17 / Can 05, 01 04:16 UTC

@dimitry - you have some incredibly valid and valuable points and you are obviously getting a number of them from the original Russian version which is a bonus to those of us who don't speak Russian as we have some debate over the wording of the English translation . Could I ask that you post a summary of your thoughts point-by-point with the same numbering as in the draft. If possible could you post them with Russian first and then English translation underneath. It seems to me this could be very helpful for those of us who don't speak Russian and may help in deciphering the dreadful translation we have.  It will also help the volunteers compiling a summary to not duplicate ideas in the summary and to be able to give the admin easily understandable Russian when reading the summary.  I'm not asking you to translate the draft just your thoughts and show us to what items within the draft they apply.

May 25, 17 / Can 05, 01 05:37 UTC

9. Asgardia does not engage in politics, there is no place for political parties in Asgardia. But every Asgardian can freely participate in political life on Earth.

What if  you do find out that those politicians are the rotten ones, the followers of Nicollo Machivelian ?

May 25, 17 / Can 05, 01 05:39 UTC


1. unite humanity above ethnic, national, religious divides, (  I prefer Religions shouldn’t be mentioned, and provide them fertile land to grow, unless it morph into Philosophy or Scientifically friendly Spiritualism)

May 25, 17 / Can 05, 01 05:43 UTC

11. Asgardia is a country of free spirit, science and internationalism. At the same time, every Asgardian can freely practice any religion on Earth.

Very Ironical ,you are dragging the earthly conflict to Asgardia, by planting the seeds of divisions,

May 25, 17 / Can 05, 01 05:45 UTC

12. There is no place for Earth conflicts history in Asgardia. Asgardia creates a new peaceful history of the future of the space humankind

Very funny this no 12 contradicts no 11

May 25, 17 / Can 05, 01 05:53 UTC

We, the people of Asgardia, will do everything for the prosperity of our new space country created by us; for the protection of our motherland - planet Earth;



May 25, 17 / Can 05, 01 07:34 UTC

1.Asgardia is a Constitutional this a joke ?

2.Currency - GOR ???? I GOR another joke ??? why not turn Asgardia in Ashurbeylia

Personally I am rooting for a return to  Direct Democracy. In the old old days of Ancient Greece democracy was  exercised on each issue. Basically a question is proposed and everyone  votes yay or nay. In today's modern computer internet saturated world  the potential for a return to the truest form of Democracy has arrived.
Something  like anyone poses whatever proposal they want. If that proposal gets  enough support from the general population then it becomes a question.  Every 2 weeks questions are voted on by everyone living in the country.  Governments would completely shed the 'representative' concept and  simply become executives that implement the will of the people. Like  corporations now that are accountable to shareholders. Key points are  that questions are posed neutrally with a few different expected  outcomes explained.
Of course arguing that this is the 'best'  system of government is difficult. Strong arguments exist that giving  less educated people more say in governing leads to weaker decisions. I  for one would like to try it first before I accept that. I might be  willing to put an education minimum on voting rights if proven necessary  however.

May 25, 17 / Can 05, 01 07:36 UTC

1.Asgardia is a Constitutional this a joke ?

2.Currency - GOR ???? I GOR another joke ??? why not turn Asgardia in Ashurbeylia

Personally I am rooting for a return to  Direct Democracy. In the old old days of Ancient Greece democracy was  exercised on each issue. Basically a question is proposed and everyone  votes yay or nay. In today's modern computer internet saturated world  the potential for a return to the truest form of Democracy has arrived.
Something  like anyone poses whatever proposal they want. If that proposal gets  enough support from the general population then it becomes a question.  Every 2 weeks questions are voted on by everyone living in the country.  Governments would completely shed the 'representative' concept and  simply become executives that implement the will of the people. Like  corporations now that are accountable to shareholders. Key points are  that questions are posed neutrally with a few different expected  outcomes explained.
Of course arguing that this is the 'best'  system of government is difficult. Strong arguments exist that giving  less educated people more say in governing leads to weaker decisions. I  for one would like to try it first before I accept that. I might be  willing to put an education minimum on voting rights if proven necessary  however.

May 25, 17 / Can 05, 01 07:38 UTC

Article 2.Status 

Asgardia is a Constitutional Monarchy that is the first free space unitary, social nation under law that is above ethnic, national, religious divides, based on morality, fairness, peace and the equal dignity of every human being, which looks to the future and the infinite space of the Universe

CONSTITUTIONAL  MONARCHY ?  Like United Kingdom ?Supreme ruler by King or Queen ?

May 25, 17 / Can 05, 01 07:45 UTC

 Asgardia’s Supreme Values apply to relations with Earth nations and citizens, as well as any discovered alien intelligence

How about Intelligent Animals like Dogs,Dolphine,Swine,Rat, Elephants etcc ?

May 25, 17 / Can 05, 01 07:54 UTC

7. Asgardian citizens have the right to create associations and societies based on the law.

Religious Associations ?

May 25, 17 / Can 05, 01 07:59 UTC

Hi to all.

Many people already noticed about taxes (in Article 9, paragraph 5, "Asgardian citizens must pay lawfully established taxes and levies." ) and I also want add few words about this paragraph.

I think that in the nation that doesn't have any territory, any institutions and don't give any workplaces, there is nonsense to pay taxes. It's like situation when you join some organization (like sailors-club, kitty cat lovers club etc.) and pay membership fee. But here we have tremendous format of financing such a club.

Taxes must be applied only for people that works on Asgardia facilities (factories, science centers, farms etc.) and get salary, that is fair. All other aspects must be in a form of donations. And I don't see any problem here, Asgardia forms from people that interested in a development of a new nation, if they will see necessity they will share. So there is no need to force them to pay money.