Jan 5, 17 / Aqu 05, 01 17:42 UTC
Sharing your Asgardia ID Number ¶
Greetings Asgardia! Rebekah here! It has come to our attention some people are providing their Asgardia ID Numbers publicly on Facebook or in the Forums or messaging members of our staff advising them of it. This ID number unique to you and should not be shared with anyone. We strongly advise against sharing your ID number to anyone else. This ID number may in the future form part of authenticating yourself as an Asgardia citizen. By providing this to anyone else may risk your identity being compromised. Please do not share or post your ID number in any public forums or Private Messages. If you have any questions, please contact either the Official Facebook page team through direct message, or your Chapter Advocates via your Country's Facebook Page, or an Administrator or Moderator in the Forums. Kind regards, Rebekah Berg, Lead Community Administrator, Asgardia