Apr 10, 17 / Tau 16, 01 13:51 UTC

Re: Decree N2 by The Asgardia Head of Nation - Asgardian Calendar!  

Just saw this video and made me think of this thread.


So, time is presently being measured by a human construction, not by exterior events. Continuing this theory, it doesn't really matter what calendar we use and why, it will never be wholly accurate, and will drift from Earth eventually.


Jun 27, 17 / Leo 10, 01 19:23 UTC

I support the idea of a new calendar, but in my opinion the names of the months should be changed.


  Last edited by:  Ugo Neiva (Asgardian)  on Jun 27, 17 / Leo 10, 01 19:52 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: Mistake

Dec 7, 17 / Cap 05, 01 04:30 UTC

I love the International Fixed Calendar!!! I have been advocating for this for many years. It was almost passed in the 1950's by the UN.

It has incredible advantages for efficiency and many more. Here is my post on its advantages:


If we are to be a nation based on science that has left behind the regression and ignorances of Humanity, then this calendar which is logical, efficient, and clean, is a perfect fit for our new nation who proposes a new and harmonious future for Humanity! 

You need to leave behind your societal and cultural baggage, realize that what you are used to may not be the best answer, to really embrace the wonders and efficiency of this calendar! 

In the following thread I praise the IFC and recommend some other related changes:


  Last edited by:  James O'Neill (Asgardian)  on Dec 7, 17 / Cap 05, 01 04:45 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Dec 20, 17 / Cap 18, 01 18:10 UTC

Hey everyone if you go to twitter and type in asguardia calender there is a write up out lining the history reasons and benefits of the asguardia calender. A twenty eight day month, thirteen month year, means every date will fall on the same day every year. Making holidays and annual events, and business events easier to organise. Its been said that the equal division of the months makes financial and economic sense. The calender is historically old first being proposed in the seventeen hundreds. Its probably better you check out the article it explains it all with much better English making more sense. I think I now agree with the use of the new calander and believe even though at this stage all we can use it for is to find out when our birthday falls in our new calander. It is historically significant to apply it at our begininning, andcwe can slowley become accustom to it and slowley utilize it in our day to day planning and organising of events and business meetings? Meaning as we process to interstella communications, there will be less confusion and organising our selves will becmuch more fluid.Jodie combeer

Dec 21, 17 / Cap 19, 01 04:01 UTC

If there are no seasons in space then what's the point of tracking years. If you want a break because we want to be a new space nation. Then why track years and months? There are many things more important than making a new calendar I feel. Like bra fixing asgardia and allowing the some vergence sell Momentos to the people and tax/ allow to donate to the coffers of the "kingdom" I like nation better!

Dec 21, 17 / Cap 19, 01 19:51 UTC

Johnathan T.C. Humanity will still exist within a linear timestream. That will not cease to be a thing.
We will still need a way of tracking time and planning things over short and long periods of time.
How will we plan things or record event dates without days, weeks, months years?

What option would you suggest for replacement for a calendar?
Just using numbers of days or hours since founding?

@Loudjo72 Yes, I have a post on it too. The Asgardian calendar is the International Fixed Calender (IFC) which I have been a fan of.
I have my post which lists benefits of it here: 
